AAPA Table Templates Generator

APA Table Template Generator

Generated Table (copy below)

Create APA 7th edition tables quickly and easily with this free APA Table Templates Generator. Whether you're writing a psychology paper, social science report, thesis, or journal article, this tool allows you to generate perfectly formatted APA tables in seconds.

What this APA Table Template Generator can do

  • Create Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Matrices, ANOVA Summaries, Regression Coefficient Tables, and Participant Demographic Tables

  • Automatically apply APA 7th style formatting:

    • Bold table numbers

    • Italicized titles

    • Three-line borders (top, below headers, bottom of table)

    • Correct alignment (stub column left-aligned, numbers centred)

  • Add an optional totals row with automatic APA-compliant lines

  • Copy and paste directly into Word or Google Docs, saving hours of manual formatting

  • Built for psychology students, academic researchers, and social science writers

Why use the APA Table Templates Generator?

Formatting APA tables by hand can be tedious and error-prone. This tool ensures your tables meet APA guidelines, so you can focus on writing and analysis. It's the perfect resource for anyone preparing journal submissions, research papers, or academic theses.


APA Table Creator


APA Reference Organizer and Formatter (7th Edition)