Here is our safe space for reflections, insights and thoughtful musings on topics related to anything and everything psychology. It is not a formal academic outlet, but rather a casual and eclectic exploration of our interests and observations.

JC Pass JC Pass

Issues with Sacrificial Moral Dilemmas: A Critical Analysis

This article aims to delve into the main issues associated with these dilemmas. Specifically, we will explore in greater detail the issues of amusement rather than sobering reflection, the lack of realism and representation, and the differential psychological processes compared to other moral situations.

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SPP Team SPP Team

Exploring the Difference Between Violence and Aggression

Violence and aggression are two terms often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings within the field of psychology. Understanding the difference between these concepts is important for accurately discussing and interpreting research findings related to aggression and violence.

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SPP Team SPP Team

Dogs' perception of colour basics

Dogs' perception of colour has been a topic of interest and research for many years. While dogs are not completely colourblind, their colour vision differs from that of humans. This is primarily due to the structure and distribution of their retinal cells, particularly the presence of fewer cone cells specialized for colour vision.

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