📊 APA 7th Edition Results Reporting Generator
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Pass, J. C. (2025). Psychology tools: APA Results Reporting Generator. Simply Put Psych. https://simplyputpsych.co.uk/psych-tools
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APA Results Reporting Generator
The APA Results Reporting Generator is a free, easy-to-use online tool designed to help psychology, social science, and behavioural science students and researchers quickly and correctly format statistical test results in APA 7th edition style. Whether you're reporting a t-test, ANOVA, correlation, or chi-square test, this tool provides instant, formatted output that is ready to copy and paste into assignments, theses, dissertations, and journal articles.
Who is this tool for?
Undergraduate and postgraduate psychology students writing lab reports and research papers.
Researchers and academics needing quick, APA-compliant statistical reporting.
Anyone learning how to write results in APA format and wanting a fast way to check their work.
What does this APA Results Generator do?
Automatically generates APA 7th edition formatted results for:
Independent-samples and paired-samples t-tests.
One-way, two-way, and repeated-measures ANOVA.
Pearson correlations.
Chi-square tests of independence.
Supports effect size reporting (e.g., Cohen's d, η², r, φ).
Includes means and standard deviations where provided.
Automatically generates directional interpretations (e.g., which group scored higher if significant).
Copy to clipboard function for quick and easy pasting into reports.
New Version of this tool available here
Why use this APA Results Reporting Generator?
Saves time and reduces stress when writing results sections.
Ensures APA-compliant formatting without needing to memorize complex rules.
Ideal for students who are unsure how to report results in proper APA style.
No downloads, no login — fully web-based and free.
Limitations of this tool:
Currently limited to basic statistical tests (t-tests, ANOVA, correlation, chi-square).
Only generates results paragraphs — does not perform calculations (requires you to input results like t-values, p-values, etc.).
Directional interpretations based on means assume numeric comparisons only — contextual meaning (e.g., positive/negative outcomes) must be interpreted by the user.
Does not support more complex models (e.g., regression, multilevel modelling).
Effect size interpretations (e.g., "large") not automatically added — currently reports value only (future enhancement possible).
Perfect for:
Psychology students writing APA-style lab reports.
Social science students needing APA-formatted statistical output.
Educators who want a quick way to help students check APA formatting.